

Birds are a group of warm-blooded, egg-laying vertebrates that belong to the class Aves. They are characterized by several distinctive features, including:

  • Feathers for flight
  • Light, hollow bones for increased mobility
  • A beak or bill instead of teeth
  • A large, well-developed brain
  • The ability to lay eggs with hard shells

Birds are found all over the world and come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. Some common examples of birds include:

  • Pigeons
  • Sparrows
  • Eagles
  • Falcons
  • Owls
  • Parrots
  • Chickens

Birds play important roles in their ecosystems, serving as pollinators, seed dispersers, and predators. They also have a significant impact on human societies, as many are domesticated and used for food, sport, and as pets.

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