In traditional Shona culture, transportation of goods was primarily done by human labor, using methods such as carrying items on the head or on the back. In some cases, pack animals such as donkeys or oxen were used to transport goods, especially over long distances.

In rural areas, where people were often engaged in agriculture and herding, transportation was mainly done by individuals within families or communities. For example, women and children would carry goods to and from the fields, while men would transport heavier items such as building materials or tools.

For trade and commerce, merchants would travel between different settlements and regions, carrying goods on their backs or on pack animals. In some cases, trade caravans would be organized to transport goods over long distances, and these caravans would be accompanied by protectors to ensure the safety of the goods and traders.

Overall, transportation in traditional Shona culture was primarily done through human labor or with the use of pack animals, and was mainly carried out by individuals within families and communities or by merchants engaged in trade and commerce.

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