Barry Lungu - Shona artist from Harare Zimbabwe


Barry is a very talented Shona artist based in Harare Zimbabwe. 


We decided at Mapiti that the addition of his paintings would be of great value to the collection.

The paintings all of them originals, depcit life in Zimbabwe.  There are paintings of the cities such as Harare, Mbare and Bulawayo as well as paintings of

people in general as they are in day to day life.  There are paintings of the avenues where Jacaranda trees line the road.  There are paintings of the coal fired 

electricity station and there are paintings of verious markets.  There are even paintings of the small shops in the countryside where people go to buy their 

weekly needs. 


It blends in well with the work of Sam Kuve a Shona sculpturer who also followed the same style of portraying life in Zimbabwe.


We feel very proud to be able to feature him and to have his paintings in our collection at Mapiti. 


If you are interested in his work you are very welcome to contact him directly.


Instagram -  Barry Lungu

or send him an email at Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!