

Discover the dynamic world of Impalas, an African antelope species known for their reddish-brown coat and striking horns in male individuals. With a white underbelly, Impalas are both graceful and nimble, able to leap up to 3 meters in the air. As herbivores, they consume a diverse range of vegetation, including grasses, leaves, and tree bark. Impalas typically live in herds and are active during daylight hours, facing threats from carnivorous predators such as lions and leopards. However, they are also famous for their impressive speed, capable of running at speeds up to 80 km/h when threatened.

Visiting a safari park offers an excellent opportunity to see Impalas and other rare animals in their natural habitat. Witness their beauty, agility, and speed up close while learning about their critical role in the African ecosystem. Always follow the guide's instructions for a safe and unforgettable experience.


Sculptor unknown - stone is green verdite.