
Explore the dynamic world of Impalas, a species of African antelope renowned for their distinctive reddish-brown coat and impressive horns in male individuals. With a white underbelly, Impalas are both beautiful and agile, capable of jumping up to 3 meters in the air. As herbivores, they feed on a variety of vegetation, including grasses, leaves, and tree bark. Living in herds and active during daylight hours, Impalas face danger from carnivorous predators such as lions and leopards. However, they are also known for their remarkable speed, capable of running at speeds up to 80 km/h when threatened.
Impalas are herbivorous and primarily feed on leaves, flowers, and fruits of various trees and bushes. They are known to be selective feeders and have a particular preference for new and tender foliage. In the dry season, they also consume woody plant parts such as stems and bark, and can even resort to digging for roots and tubers when food is scarce.


Sculptor unknown - stone is green verdite.