
also known as Gnus, a species of African antelope known for their impressive size and distinctive physical characteristics. With a hump on the shoulders, a long mane, and curved horns in males, Wildebeests are a sight to behold. Their unique pattern of brown and white stripes and spots serves to confuse predators. As migratory animals, Wildebeests are well-known for their annual migration, where they travel in massive herds in search of food and water. As herbivores, they feed on grasses, leaves, and tree bark. In addition to their migration, Wildebeests are also known for their speed and agility, capable of reaching speeds up to 80 km/h when threatened.
Wildebeest are herbivores and primarily graze on grass. They also eat leaves, shoots, and flowers from shrubs and trees, especially during the dry season when grass may not be as plentiful.