Giraffe - a beautiful animal

Discover the majestic beauty of giraffes, towering over the African savannas at up to 18 feet (5.5 meters) in height. With their signature long neck, spotted coat, and prehensile tongue, giraffes are fascinating creatures. They are herbivores and feed on leaves, flowers, and fruits. Living in social herds, giraffes exhibit territorial behavior during mating season.

Giraffes are herbivores and primarily eat leaves from trees, especially acacia trees. They also eat other vegetation such as flowers, fruits, and vines. Due to their long necks, giraffes can reach food that other animals cannot, allowing them to access leaves and branches high up in trees. They have a four-chambered stomach that allows them to digest their food efficiently, even tough and fibrous vegetation.

Sadly, giraffes are facing habitat loss and poaching, and are classified as vulnerable by the IUCN. Although not built for speed, giraffes can run at a maximum of 35 mph in short bursts. Their typical movement is a trot of 10-25 mph. Witness these remarkable animals in their natural habitat on a safari tour.

A family of Giraffes at a waterhole. Sculptor unknown - carved on green Verdite.


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