
Explore the unique beauty of Kudus, a species of African antelope recognized for their impressive spiral horns reaching up to 1.2 meters in male individuals. With their distinctive coat of brownish-grey featuring white stripes and spots, and a mane of long hair, Kudus are a sight to behold.

Kudus are herbivores and primarily eat leaves, flowers, fruits, and shoots of a variety of trees and bushes. They have been known to eat grass on occasion, but it makes up a small part of their diet. Kudus have a complex digestive system that allows them to extract nutrients from tough, fibrous plant material.

Often solitary or found in small groups, these nimble creatures are most active during dawn and dusk. Kudus are also known for their incredible speed, capable of running at speeds up to 80 km/h when faced with predators.

Witnessing Kudus in their natural habitat can be a thrilling and educational experience. A visit to a safari park offers the perfect opportunity to observe these unique and beautiful animals and other rare species. Follow the guide's instructions for a safe and enjoyable adventure.

A very beautiful piece of a family of Kudu in brown Verdite stone - Sculptor unknown.


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