The Waterbuck


The waterbuck is a medium-sized African antelope species with individuals weighing up to 485 pounds. Distinguished by their shaggy brown fur and the spiral horns of males, waterbucks are unique and fascinating. As herbivores, they feed on a variety of plants including grasses, leaves and tree bark. As semi-aquatic dwellers, waterbucks are often found near water sources where they can swim and escape predators. In addition to their aquatic abilities, waterbucks are known for their speed and agility. When threatened, they can reach speeds of up to 80 km/h.

Sculptor unknown - Green Verdite stone sculpture

Waterbuck are herbivores and their diet primarily consists of grasses, sedges, and other vegetation. They also feed on leaves, shoots, and fruits. Waterbuck are known to graze near water bodies, and they also feed on aquatic plants. They are able to survive long periods without drinking water as they get enough moisture from the vegetation they consume.


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